Project No. WND-RPLD.01.02.01-10-0034/18-00 “Development of the innovative potential of Michor Sp. j. through investment in R&D infrastructure”

co-financed by the European Union from the Regional Operational Program of the Lodzkie Voivodeship for the years 2014 - 2020

Priority Axis I: Research, development and commercialization of knowledge

Name of the Beneficiary: "MICHOR" K. Michalski, S. Stefaniak Spółka Jawna, ul. Sklęczkowska 18, 99 - 300 Kutno

The total value of the Project: PLN 3 010 917,00

Amount of co-financing from the Regional Operational Program of the Lodzkie Voivodship: PLN 1 346 345,00

Short project description:

The designed research and development work is aimed at the development of a dietary supplement providing boron, magnesium and calcium, easily absorbed by the organism, with an innovative qualitative and quantitative composition and a specific form of pharmacological availability (capsules or tablets with controlled prolonged release of active substances). The intention of the presented analytical and technological studies is to provide the Polish market with a product that is available in the currently offered dietary supplements in the proposed dosage form and the designed qualitative composition. The data obtained during the planned compositional and physico-chemical studies of the finished product will also provide a valuable and reliable basis for further potential pharmacokinetic, clinical and pharmacological studies conducted by certified research institutions and pharmaceutical companies. The final effect may be the launch of commercial production of the preparation as well as a strictly pharmaceutical version of the proposed product. Research conducted by US research and development institutions is already well advanced regarding the pharmacological biological utility of organic boron and the potential of its preparations in the following fields:

- food industry - supplementation of magnesium, boron and calcium deficiencies - ensuring the highest degree of bioavailability,

- pharmacy and medicine - prevention and support in cancer therapies,

- genetics - the influence of organic boron compounds on the mechanisms of auto-elimination of cells with damaged DNA,

- cosmetics industry - ensuring the proper biochemical composition and biological condition of the skin, hair and nails.