Project No. WND-RPLD.02.03.01-10-0089/19-00 "Launching the production of the innovative PROFESSIONAL REMOVER preparation"

co-financed by the European Union from the Regional Operational Program of the Lodzkie Voivodeship for the years 2014 - 2020

Priority Axis II: Innovative and competitive economy

Name of the Beneficiary: "MICHOR" K. Michalski, S. Stefaniak Spółka Jawna, ul. Sklęczkowska 18, 99 - 300 Kutno

The total value of the Project: PLN 2 979 921,00

Amount of co-financing from the Regional Operational Program of the Lodzkie Voivodship: PLN 1 332,485

Short project description:

The aim of the project is to market the result of the company's own R&D work - an innovative Professional Remover with a wide range of applications in the building construction industry. One of such products could become Professional Remover. The market analysis has shown that there are many professional remover products on the market, with various applications, e.g.:

graffiti removers,

removers for road and paving markings,

paint removers,

removers for cyanoacrylate coatings,

removers for adhesives and labels and vehicle stickers,

silicone and gasket removers,

rubber and resin removers,

remover for oils and greases.

Each product is designed for a specific application. The possess properties determine the effectiveness of a given product - removal of the specific contamination. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of customers who use several products at the same time to remove various types of contamination on a daily basis, it was decided to carry out a number of studies and tests to find a product which would have properties allowing it to remove various types of coatings.

The Professional Remover manufactured by "MICHOR" Sp. j. is such a product. The most important feature of the product is its ability to remove various types of dirt. This places Professional Remover high in the hierarchy and allows it to compete with the market leaders not only in terms of performance. An important aspect during the development of the remover was that our product should be safe for the surface being cleaned, human health and the environment. For this reason, the carefully selected formulation contains a low amount of volatile organic compounds which are very dangerous for humans and the environment. In addition, the product is economical, which means less consumption and less pollution of the environment. The product does not contain halogenated solvents and does not pose a risk of corrosion.